
《Home Again》-George MacDonald

学习充电 admin 3个月前 (06-29) 37次浏览
《Home Again》-George MacDonald


WILL THIS YOUNG POET AMOUNT TO NOTHINGHis Aunt Ann certainly thinks so.”Walter is a drain on your finances ” she states self-righteously.But Richard Colman, a farmer, doesn t think so. He loves his son, Walter Colman the young poet, and supports his ambition. Walter is his link to his dead wife. And besides . . .However Richard Colman s finances fail and the young poet must fend for himself.At first Walter finds some success — but he meets the seductive Lufa and endures trouble.Should he return to the simple life of father, farmland and childhood friend Molly — and his love of God HimselfFind out in this heartfelt parable of faith and art by the nineteenth century Scottish Christian master



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