在长大的路上,On the way to grow,孤独,成了她最喜欢的风景。Solitary, was the place in her favour.当一些时光渐次远去,With time going by,她倚着狭小的窗台,She leaned on the small windowsill,静静地回忆着微风细雨。recalling the disappearing memories 她想起那时光,She longs for good times in childhood,在黄昏或黎明,At twilight or dawn,坐在一地花瓣的栀子树下,Sitting beneath the blossoming Gardenia tree,摘一片嫩叶,With a tiny leaf,吹一支温暖却不成曲的调子,She makes a lovely melody in tuneless,流淌过每一处月晓风清的地方……Spreading her minds to anywhere…