
《BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材BOOK ONE(彩色英文原版)》-威廉·S·格雷;威廉·H·爱尔森

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《BASIC READERS:美国学校现代英语阅读教材BOOK ONE(彩色英文原版)》-威廉·S·格雷;威廉·H·爱尔森


《Basic Readers》是美国现代时期一套广泛使用的标准化英语阅读课本,在美国学校一直使用到20 世纪70 年代。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》由芝加哥大学阅读研究专家、世界阅读学会首任会长威廉·格雷教授与著名教材专家威廉·爱尔森共同编写。从选文篇幅、词汇难度、故事内容、课后练习、插图使用等方面,编者都做了精心考量。《美国学校现代英语阅读教材》以综合培养学生的朗读(oral reading)与默读(silent reading)技巧为目的,让孩子们学会阅读,并通过阅读为今后的人生阶段打下基础。对中国孩子来讲,这是一套循序渐进地进行英语阅读训练的优秀读本。适合从学前阶段开始,向小学和中学阶段扩展训练。本册为第一级,内容多以动物为主人公,透过简短生动的情节传递给孩子做人道理,并巧妙达到学习语言的目的。同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,让孩子在阅读精彩故事的同时亦能更好练习英语发音。This set of textbook readers was used in the schools of the United States till 1970s. It was the first reading series to enforce strict vocabulary control over selections. William S. Gray, a renowned educational psychologist and reading authority from the University of Chicago became a senior co-author with William H. Elson in creating this series.The authors have attempted to provide an interesting, purposeful, and comprehensive reading course for children. To achieve this purpose the authors have assembled materials from the worldwide field of children’s favorite readings. Thus basic reading attitudes and habits are developed through the purposeful use of interesting and significant content. Using this series of readers, the children can learn to read first, and then read to learn in their future life.



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