
《Gentle Julia》-Booth Tarkington

文学小说 admin 2个月前 (07-12) 31次浏览
《Gentle Julia》-Booth Tarkington


Oh, the responsibilities of a lady who is almost officially the prettiest person in a town, thinks Julia. The burdens are often heavier than the world suspects — and there are moments she finds the position so trying she would resign, if she could. Worse was the pestering of her family Julia was a warm-hearted, appreciative girl, naturally unable to close her eyes to sterling merit wherever it appeared . . . and it was not without warrant that she complained of her relatives. The whole family, including the children, regaled themselves with her private affairs as a substitute for theater-going Two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Booth Tarkington (1869-1946) wrote with understanding and humor of American middle-class life — especially the travails and triumphs of the youth of this country.



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