
《加拿大学生文学读本(第1-5册) (西》

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《加拿大学生文学读本(第1-5册) (西》


《西方家庭学校原版教材与经典读本•加拿大学生文学读本(套装共5册)》由加拿大教育部门编写的教材,分级编写,全套共五本。全书通过趣味而有教育意义的故事,引发孩子们学习语言的兴趣;并向规范、美丽的文学作品过渡,让孩子们掌握语言的艺术,并感受本国的人文历史,带读者步入优美的英语文学世界。书中所选故事不仅有助于提升学生的读写能力,让国内学生依托教材,全面系统地训练英语,同时,通过书中的道德故事、寓言、诗歌、文学作品等,感受加拿大的历史文化,培养良好的阅读兴趣。《西方家庭学校原版教材与经典读本•加拿大学生文学读本(套装共5册)》英文教材无论是作为英语学习的课本,还是作为提高英语水平的课外读物,都极具价值。是中国学生学习英语、全面了解西方社会的很好途径。第一册难易程度相当于小学高年级阶段,此后各级在词汇量和阅读量上逐步提高,选篇的文体也有所变化。《西方家庭学校原版教材与经典读本•加拿大学生文学读本(套装共5册)》可以伴随学生从小学直至高中或大学阶段。同时也适合成人英语学习者提高英语阅读水平使用,让众多国内读者在了解西方文学的同时,也感受英语语言的魅力。This set of literature readers is authorized by the Minister of Education and prepared for the Ontario schools. The choice of selections has been dictated primarily by a desire to improve the taste, train the judgment, ennoble the ideals, and exercise the imagination of pupils, and to develop such a preference for good literature as maybe a safeguard to them in after life when they are left to choose for themselves what they will read for recreation.The prose lessons will be found invaluable aid in the teaching of composition on account of the variety of styles they present and the kind of themes they suggest. All three kinds of poetry —lyric, epic and dramatic — are represented in the readers.The aim in the compilation of this reader has been to keep down the number of the authors and make more extensive selections from the works of those whose writings are suitable for this purpose. It has in this way been rendered possible to make a special study of the works of each of several authors.



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